Snakes & Ladders
Objective: The objective of this skill-based game is to move your tokens the farthest in fixed number of turns and score the most points to win. The game is played on a board consisting of 100 cells numbered from 1 to 100. The players are provided multiple tokens. All tokens start in an open position. A player can move any one of their token(s) by rolling a standard six-sided dice. The player can move their token by the same number of cells as shown on the dice that is rolled. If a token lands on a cell with the bottom of a ladder, the token moves up to the top of the ladder. The player is awarded points equal to the number of cells moved up the ladder. If a token lands on a cell with the head of a snake, the token moves down to the tail of the snake. The player loses points equal to the number of cells moved down the snake. By analysing their opponent's moves, a player can choose to cut their opponent's token by landing on the same cell as the opponent's token. If the player manages to do so by way of strategizing which token to move, the opponent's token is goes to the starting position, and the opponent loses all points accumulated by that token. The player who cut the opponent's token gets an extra turn and is awarded bonus points. A player can move any of their tokens on their turn, subject to the rules above and within a limited period of time. The decision of which token to move and impact of assessment of the likely impact of both the tokens must be made by the player within the prescribed timeline failing which they will lose a turn. A player gets an additional turn if they roll a dice value of 6. However, a player cannot have more than two consecutive turns in this way. A player is awarded 1 point for each cell moved by a token. A player is awarded an additional 50 points if one of their tokens reaches cell 100. The players can see tokens of every player, roll of die and token moved by each opponent on each turn, number of turns remaining, sequence of movers and scores of every player At the end of the game, the player with the highest score is ranked 1, and the rankings of the players are determined based on their scores. A player is not The aggregate contributions by all players will constitute the Prize Money Pool. The amount in the Prize Money Pool is credited to the wallet of the winning player(s) after deducting the Platform Fee (when applicable) charged by WinZO for providing players access to the game. Fair play:- Players must play the game fairly, impartially, and as per its rules, without employing unfair means, cheating, or collusion. Our games use cryptographically secure Random Number Generation algorithms to provide fair and equitable games for all our users. Our games are independently certified by third party for our RNG algorithms and No usage of Bots in the system. You may access WinZO's Certifications from here: certification All games that are available on WinZO go through various statistical tests for determining element of Skill in games. Only games that pass through such tests are allowed on WinZO. To know more about this tests, please click here: Methodology for Determination Onboarding Games of Skill on WinZO WinZO may employ a normalisation metric to pool players across games for hosting a contest. Disclaimer:- The game's rules must be read in conjunction with WinZO's terms & conditions. Players are deemed to have read and accepted WinZO's terms and conditions if they play the game. Please note that the game rules have been modified to enhance the utilization of skill. The current rules do not adhere to the standard Snakes & Ladders rules